Stichting Schutsluis Alblasserdam
HavenZuid is a project that is initiated by the municipality Alblasserdam and Molenlanden. The development has an impact for the inhabitants of Alblasserdam. The area is part of the entrée zone to World Heritage Kinderdijk. On several occasions the inhabitants are invited for meetings ( n.d.) (“Haven Zuid, Alblasserdam” n.d.)
The process and the networks can be found on the website of the municipalities. This project takes long. It begins before the finacial crises in 2008, it was halted and now starts up gain.
References n.d. “Gebiedsontwikkeling strekt verder dan alleen Haven-Zuid -” Accessed May 3, 2019.
“Haven Zuid, Alblasserdam.” n.d. BVR Adviseurs Ruimtelijke Ontwikkeling (blog). Accessed May 3, 2019.